Protecting Your Business Investment

I live in a small town. Every weekend, I visit the same local retail establishments in order to complete shopping errands. I’m always saddened when I hear about a favorite local retailer incurring damage from a theft. I know many small business owners. They are hard-working people who have invested much of their time and finances into their businesses. For them, losing merchandise from a theft may lead to financial ruin. If you are a small business owner, consider purchasing a state-of-the-art security system in order to protect your business assets. On this blog, you will discover the best types of security systems to install in small businesses.

What Can You Accomplish With A Web-Based Access Control System?


An access control system can help you to fine-tune the security protocols at your business. In many cases, high-tech security solutions are more effective than mechanical alternatives, such as traditional locks and keys. Web-based access control systems give business owners more security options than ever before, as well as remote capabilities. Here are four things you can do when you use an access control system:

1. Create guest passes for visitors

Access control systems allow business owners to easily grant and revoke building access using card keys. You can use access cards to create guest passes for visitors instantaneously. Access cards can be re-written and reused again and again to save money. If a guest forgets to return their access card, you can easily revoke its access remotely, which means you'll never have to worry about outstanding security threats. 

2. Easily log the comings and goings of your employees

When a security breach occurs, information is vital. Knowing the identities of the last people to access your building can help you narrow down the culprits. Fortunately, access control systems allow building owners to passively log the comings and goings of their employees. Each access card can be keyed to a specific employee's information. Every time a key card is used to gain access to your building, the date and time will be noted, along with the key holder's identity. This data can then be stored in a database until it is needed. 

3. Customize clearance levels

Web-based access control systems also allow employees to gain access to multiple parts of a facility using a single key card. Clearance levels can be easily customized using accompanying software. Employees who are promoted or otherwise gain more access can have their key cards modified remotely. This means that you'll never have to reissue new key cards to your employees, which can save you time and make your operation more efficient. 

4. Prevent entry into your building between certain hours

Many businesses are only open during certain hours. Aside from late-night employees, few people have any business being onsite during the wee hours of the morning. Limiting building access during certain hours can help you further protect your assets. When employees are unable to use their key cards at inappropriate times, burglary and vandalism can be prevented. Web access control systems allow business owners to limit access even to key holders at their discretion.

Talk to a local security company to set up a web-based access control system.


3 November 2021